Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Harmful End

The story of Eros and Psyche, and Bacillus and Philemon, had only one thing in common: love. It seems that love is present in most Greek myths, because apparently for them, love was a very important part of life. If you think about it, love is probably the most important part of life in our modern culture (Almost all songs written today are about love).
The description of love, personified as Eros the god of love, was so accurate, it impressed me. He has wings so he can move quickly from person to person. He is showed naked to represent how we expose ourselves to others when we’re in love. He is blind, to show how compulsive and foolish one becomes when fallen in love. That's just how love is today. Not much has changed over the centuries, and the human heart still strives for an equal love (expectations are just a little different now). "The soul wanders in the dark until it finds love." (pg 76)
In Bacillus and Philemon, neither of them wanted to outlive the other. They loved each other so much, they never wanted to be separated by the imminent fate of death. Fortunately for them, their wish was granted, and in addition, they were exempt from the fate that should come to all living beings. Mortality was no longer an obstacle for their love.
Still, as strong as everyone claims love to be, it is also extremely fragile. One wrong move or even one wrong word can destroy everything. It is a very hard thing to control, and most of the times, when love is broken, sadness, anger and pain are what follows. Some relationships are like a uranium atom. It has to have just the right amount of neutrons to balance the protons. If something goes wrong, and there's a tiniest change in the atom, it can cause it to collapse and release a huge amount of energy that can vaporize a person in tenths of a second, and destroy everything at a 3 km radius (atomic bomb). That's how powerful love can be. It is really hard to escape love’s traps, and like the story said, “It’s just inevitable.” (pg.76). I just wish they weren't so harmful.
Reading Metamorphoses was a great, because it helped me understand human characteristics that are still present today. Greek mythology has influenced the world amazingly (far more than we think), so it is important to know their stories well. Besides, they are very entertaining, because it is very easy to relate to them

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