A. According to this author where does the word blog come from?
Blog comes form the word "Web blog" B.Why might the writer object to a book about blogs? What is the difference between a blog and a book?
Blogs are always changing and are subject to comments and editing constantly. They also are portals to links tahth talk about other themes and topics. This is why a book of blogs would be quite useless.
C. How have blogs changed recently?
The first blogs where small comments on articles that included links to other pages and more information. It was almost a pre- surf of the internet for you. Later on, as blogging became more popular, people started to turn it more into an opinion source, and bloggers used blogging for commenting on any topic and almost gaining fame or popularity.
D. Why might you read a blog rather than a book, or a magazine, or a newspaper?
Blogs are somehow more interseting because they have links that take you round the internet giving you more information. Also, it can be funner to read, since bloggers see their audience as friends and have a very free style of writing and composition.
D. Is there reason to doubt the objectivity of a blog? Why? Why not?
A blog can never be 100% arbitrary. The whole point of blogs is to give an opinion about a specific topic, so objectivity doesn't really fit in a blog.
E. If you kept your own blog, what would you title it?
Maria Laura's opinion, because it would be my opinion over something, in this case , the books we read in class.
F. Find three blogs that mention our summer reading.
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savagegirli on April 28, 2009 at 4:01am
This book has changed my life! What a cheezy thing to say but I think the world would be a MUCH better place if everyone would just READ THIS BOOK! In fact, Ishmael is the reason I am here. I am networking to find people with like minds to help me on my journey towards a better life :o)Check out IshThink.org if you want to chat with other people that love the book.
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savagegirli on May 6, 2009 at 2:58am
Ooooh thanks for that PDF link that is priceless!!! A way to get Ishmael out to the masses for FREEEEEEEE...OMG amazing! I already posted a bulleting on myspace and sent it to a few friends :o)
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Chris Smith on August 6, 2009 at 11:16am
I bought a paperback version of Ishmael and absolutely loved it. It should be essential reading for everyone. I then bought a hardback of The Story Of B and loved that even more than Ishmael. Please spread the word. It could save the World! Thanks for the pdf, now I can read it again anytime on my iPhone. Anyone know where I can get any of the other Daniel Quinn books in ebook format?
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